News & Updates 10/3/2020Preserving Japan’s Ancient Kumano Kodo Pilgrimage Network Crowdfunding Campaign (Oct~Dec, 2020) The tangible and intangible benefits of Japan’s Kumano Kodo pilgrimage experien...
News & Updates 4/1/2020The World is One. We are the Same. “The world is one. We are the same”, has been an integral experience for people...
Hints & Tips 3/2/2020Dealing with Garbage on the Trail What do we do with our trash, Mike? I don't know where to throw it away? I...
Hints & Tips 2/28/2020KUMANO KODO Trekking Backpack Contents What’s in My Bag? Hi, I’m Mike, a resident and local guide for the Kumano Ko...
Media & Accolades 1/24/20202020 Hometown Development Grand Prize Award Winner We are thrilled to announce that the Tanabe City Kumano Tourism Bureau has been...
Places & Stories 12/25/2019Creating a New Model of Grassroots Community-based Tourism in the Sacred Region of Kumano Interview of Brad Towle for the Japan Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sacred Kum...
Media & Accolades 10/24/2019Japan Tourism Awards 2019-Double Award Winner The Tanabe City Kumano Tourism Bureau is proud to announce that we were honored...
Media & Accolades 7/18/2012Tourism for Tomorrow Awards, Destination Stewardship Finalist Tanabe City Kumano Tourism Bureau (TCKTB) is a finalist for the World Travel an...