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Camping and staying in bungalows are an economical way to make the most out of your trip to the area.

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icon-tents Rental tents

icon-bungalows Bungalows

icon-water Running water and common cooking facilities

icon-toilets Toilets

icon-barrierfreetoilets Barrier free toilets

icon-parking Parking

icon-showers Showers

Bathing facilities

icon-restaurant Restaurant

icon-autocamping Auto-camping

icon-petsallowed Pets allowed

icon-pets-with Pets allowed with conditions

Hongu area

Tanabe Kawayu Campground 田辺川湯キャンプ場

This campground is just downstream from Kawayu Onsen. It is also walking distance from the trailhead in Ukegawa for the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route to Nachi.

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Tanabe Kawayu Campground website (Japanese)

Otonashi-no-Sato (Wataze Outdoor) 和歌山県熊野本宮「おとなしの郷」

This campground and bungalow area is located next to Watarase Onsen.

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Wataze Outdoor Otonashi-no-Sato website (Japanese)

Nakahechi area

Iris Park Auto Campground アイリスパークオートキャンプ場

Located in Chikatsuyu just off of the Kumano Kodo pilgrimage route.

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Iris park Auto Campground website (Japanese)

Koguchi area

Koguchi Campground 小口キャンプ場

This campground is located in the center of Koguchi near the river with check-in at Koguchi Shizen-no-Ie.

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Koguchi Campground at Shizen-no-Ie website (Japanese)

Ryujin area

Ryujin area website information
Campsites in Ryujin Onsen (Japanese site)

Forest Park Nyu-Yamasemi-no-Sato 森林公園丹生ヤマセミの郷

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Miyashiro Auto Campground 宮代オートキャンプ場

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Oku・Komatagawa Bungalow 奥・小又川バンガロー

icon-bungalows icon-water icon-toilets icon-parking icon-showers icon-pets-with

Ryujin Utachino 龍神うたちの

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Oto area

Oto Seishonen Ryoko Mura (Oto Holiday Village) 大塔青少年旅行村

Hyakkenzan Gorge Camp Village  百間山渓谷キャンプ村

Hikigawa area

Woody and River ウッディ&リバー

Mukaidaira Camp Mura 向平キャンプ

Nemunemu-no-Mori Campground ねむねむの森キャンプ場

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